Good stuff. I love Christopher Alexander, but he is not always the best explainer of his own ideas. Now I can link people here, to help them get the gist of this important idea. Very useful! Thank you.

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Thanks for this article. It’s important to keep these ideas moving forward.

The thing I’m struggling with is how to apply Alexander’s ideas to a temporal process, such as a workflow. Applying Alexander’s eleven step process, for me, seems to shift the focus to my working plan *document* rather than to the process itself. His actual temporal process for making seems to be more in line with design thinking, ie. Empathize (see the wholeness) —> ideate —> test —> build.

I find kaizen to be a philosophy compatible with Alexander’s theories, but I think kaizen lacks the component of “vision.” I also find a lot of heuristics such as “two minute rule” or “a place for everything and everything in its place” have potential for a Pattern Language of temporal processes, but that’s about as far as I’ve gotten.

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